Compulsory task: no.

Word count: 140-190 words.

Register: informal.

Use contractions.
Use idioms.
Use phrasal verbs.
Be creative!


Make sure you answer all the questions.
The examiner must understand what the original email said without reading it.

Things you can use:

Phrasal verbs:
Take up
Get on well with
Keep on + verb + ING
Look forward to + verb +ING

Catch up with
Meet up with
Get together with

It’s a piece of cake
Hit the books
Thrilled to bits
Over the moon

It’s driving me up the wall
I have a memory/mind/brain like a sieve
Drop me a line
It costs/cost an arm and a leg

Intensive adjectives:
Awesome                              Great                        

Thrilled                                                Delighted                
Spotless ≠ Filthy


As well as that                       However                   
Instead of

Also                                        Although                  

In spite of                  
By the way

Hello!              Hi!                    Hey!                Dear Sam,

Phrases for the introduction:
It’s great to hear from you.
How’s life (treating you)?
Sorry, it’s taken me so long to write back.          
How are things?
I haven’t written for ages but…      
How’s it going?
I’ve been really busy/swamped recently.

How’ve you been?
I hope you (and your family) are well.                 
How’re you doing?
Just thought I’d drop you a line. 
I’m so happy you got in touch!
I’m doing ok.
I can’t complain.

To give advice:
If I were you, I would rent a car.                                   
Why don’t you go by bike?
I think you really should rent a scooter since it’s the cheapest option.
I think it’d be a good idea to discover the city on foot.
How about walking to the landmarks?
You could rent a bike.
You probably/really/definitely should walk.
I think it’s worth a try.

To ask for information:
Could you let me know what time you’re landing?
I’d like to know what time you’re landing.
Can you remind me what time you’re landing?

To request something:
I’m writing to ask for your help.
I’m dropping you a line to ask if you could do me a favour.
I hope you don’t mind me asking but could you (possibly) pick up my dad from the station?
I’d be very/really grateful if you could pick up my dad from the station.

Suggestions and recommendations:
Maybe you could visit the museum in the afternoon?
You can’t leave Madrid without visiting Retiro.
If you like museums, I’m sure you will enjoy visiting the Prado.
Do visit the Retiro. It’s fantastic!
Don’t forget to visit the Retiro!
I’ve been told that the musical is fantastic.

To invite someone to an event:
I’m having/holding a party on Saturday. I hope you can come/join us!
Would you like to go/come and see the film with me at the weekend?
I was wondering if you’d like to go to the theatre with me?
Could/can you let me know if you can come?

To accept an invitation:
I’ll be delighted to be there, count me in!
Thanks for the invitation, I’d love to come/join you!
I’m really looking forward to seeing you!

To refuse an invitation:
Unfortunately, I can’t make it/go.
What a pity!
I wish I could but I have to hit the books.
I’m afraid I won’t be able to go to your party.

Giving news:
Listen, did I tell you about my new pet?
You’ll never believe what I got for my birthday!
Oh, and another thing! Did you know that….?

Reacting to bad news:
Oh no! I’m (so/extremely) sorry to hear about your mark/job.
Sorry to read about your accident.
It’s just awful to hear that you broke your leg.
Oh! I can’t believe you failed the exam!

Reacting to good news:
I’m glad/happy to hear that you got the job!
It’s so great that you passed the exam!
Congrats/congratulations on your new job!
O.M.G! (Oh my God!) I’m so happy for you!

To introduce a new paragraph:
Oh, by the way, tell me about your new house.
Hey, did you hear about…?
One more thing,
As for restaurants, …

Ending the email/letter:
Well, gotta go now! Hope to hear from you soon!
Anyway, I should get going. Say hello to Sally from me.
I’ve got to leave you now. See you soon!
Look after yourself/take care of yourself. Write soon!
Anyway, I must go and get on with my work.
Gotta go but don’t forget to let me know the dates of your visit.

Sign off:
All my love,
Lots of love,
Take care,
Best (wishes),
All the best,

1st paragraph: say hi! and state why you are writing to your friend (they need help, or you are going to do something together, or they’ve got news to tell you, etc…) But you need to react to their news.

Body: answer ALL their questions.

Last paragraph: say bye!

Proof reading!

Once you finish, read again and make sure there are no typos or other mistakes.
Have you used complex grammar and vocabulary related to the task?


Hey Maria!

It’s great to hear from you. How’re things?

Yeah, I can’t wait to start that course, either. It’s going to be smashing! I’ve also been thinking about the classes and the activities. I read the leaflet, and some of the indoor and outdoor activities sound fantastic, to be honest!

I think we should give the scuba diving activity a go in the indoor swimming pool. Sounds dangerous but must be very thrilling! As for the outdoor activities, I’d go for bungee jumping and paragliding. I’m not quite sure you want to try those? Because I know heights are not your cup of tea. However, we could do kart racing together. That’d be fun!

I suppose you can guess I like adventurous activities best. Although I can join you in other activities you want to do if those are not your thing. There’re loads to choose from. So…no worries! By the way, we should catch up soon to decide what to take during the course.

Anyhow! The fluffs are around trying to eat me! Have got to go to do some house chores.

Speak to you soon!

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